ServeStar: Is a Region-Wide Commercial Plumbing Service Provider Delivering Quality Repairs & Installations At Reasonable Prices.
ServeStar Plumbing Technicians | have the tools, training, experience, & cutting edge technologies necessary to properly diagnose & repair virtually any plumbing related issue… regardless of the time or day. ServeStar is dedicated to keeping your facility’s plumbing & maintenance systems operational
ServeStar | Mobile IVR Compliant, GPS dispatched, trained to use customer specific apps.
Customer Service Representatives | utilize streamlined billing processes, online portal bill submission including photos & sign offs to your customer’s individual specifications…getting you the info you need to close out work orders on time & on budget.
Accurate quotes with minimal turn around time:
Customized ServeStar quote generation software
Real time pricing of material & equipment from within our data linked quote generation app ensure quote accuracy.
Time & location impact forecasting based on past project data.
Supervisor monitoring & project oversight:
Ensures all information is accounted for & your diagnosis & repairs are up to standards.
Live Status Updating:
We require technicians take multiple photos per job as work progresses for our internal quality control system & to provide customer updates
All work is logged in the field, in real time, keeping dispatch & customers informed without constant back & forth communications.